Life sciences
Data built to help you save and improve more lives
Precise, continuously updated insights to help you jump into action when it matters most.
Trusted by industry leaders
Data built for action
An end-to-end platform that delivers clean, usable data built to drive faster decision making.
Do more with a single dataset
Novellia's all-in-one database eliminates the need to buy multiple datasets and pay for expensive tokenization.
Multipurpose use
From HEOR to marketing, our multimodal, bidirectional, and continuously updated longitudinal data is designed to take you further.
Case study
How can I minimize care disruptions for my patients?
Project stats
4 weeks
500,000 records
8 years of coverage
Structured & unstructured data
Fast delivery
Estimated time savings: 20 weeks
One single dataset
Single dataset, no tokenization
Estimated cost savings: $265,000
A leaner solution
Customer staffed zero internal data scientists / analysts
Data built for action
Geo-targeted HCP education program launched for at-risk cohorts
“With Novellia, we now get comprehensive, hyper-precise data on exactly what we need in weeks so we can get to action immediately.”
Head of Medical Affairs
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